Saturday 5 March 2011

Honoris Causa

Recently, Indonesia education received an international acknowledgement. It was Universitas Indonesia’s rector, Prof Dr der Soz Gumilar Rusliwa Somantri, who was given the title Honoris Causa Doctor from Korean university Chonbuk National University (CBNU). The appreciation was given because the Korean side considered that Gumilar had remarkably developed the relationship between Indonesia and Korea in area of education. Gumilar is not the first and only Indonesian who has ever been given the same appreciation. He is actually the third one. The other two were Prof B.J Habibie, the former president of Indonesia after Soeharto’s era and Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, the King of Jogjakarta. The Indonesia education practitioner should be proud of this appreciation since it opens the gate to international world more widely.
Similar acknowledgement has been also received by UPH founder and rector. Bapak James Riady, the founder of UPH, received his Honoris Causa Doctor from Ouachita Baptist University, USA, while Dr. (HC) Jonathan Parapak got his HC from the same university because of his dedication to education, business, government, and spiritual growth in September 29, 2009.
So, UPH has come up to the stage of international community. The appreciation of its leaders by the international world has supported its mission to bring the world to Indonesia. It means to administer a global practices at UPH. Go UPH!

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