Saturday 5 March 2011

UPH Art Department Preserves Indonesia's Culture

Indonesia is considered as one of the richest countries of its culture. With thousand of islands and tribes, Indonesia has a reason to have rich culture. The types of cultural artworks are just so many. Let’s just imagine, every tribe has its own and unique clothing style. One of the most well-known internationally may be Batik. About some times ago, Batik has been acknowledged as the world heritage. This means so much for Indonesia as it makes them easier to promote the Batik. Indonesian must be so glad with this acknowledgement. It is hoped that young Indonesians will also appreciate the heritage and even try to promote it both in national or international stage.
This spirit has been brought by UPH since the year of 2008. In that year, UPH invited Pak Johanes Tong, the expert of art, graduated from US and has performed on several occasion there. After being appointed, Pak Jo began to grow UPH Art Department. This department concentrates on art performing by UPH students. So far, they have performed several times in Jakarta and Surabaya. Some examples of the art performance are traditional dance, Indonesia classic drama, Indonesian songs, and many more. So, UPH has also joined the run for preserving Indonesia's culture. What a university! In the midst of postmodern world, UPH has the very effort to make sure that Indonesia's culture keeps alive.

Food Extravagance = Food Technology

Nowadays, food business gives a bright future, especially in big cities of Indonesia. The culinary business in Indonesia has developed rapidly in the past few years. There are some TV programs that use culinary as its topic. In this program, the presenter will go to a place for its well-known food. For example, a presenter of that program may go to Jogjakarta and visit a traditional restaurant that sells Gudeg. The presenter will buy and taste it. Usually, he/she will express the tasty food like gudeg so that the TV viewers may get interested to visit that place and taste the same great food.
Food business has been a new extravagance in Indonesia. Regarding this opportunity, UPH responded by opening the Food Technology Faculty. It has developed so much since being established. Now, the faculty has their proud of the annual food exhibition called Food Explore. In this event, the innovative food made by the UPH students are exhibited. This event has been so fascinating for both visitors and students of UPH.
Moreover, the Food Explore event won UPH Award on category of the HMJ Program of the Year 2010.
So, if you are talented in cooking or want to find some innovative, just join UPH!

Honoris Causa

Recently, Indonesia education received an international acknowledgement. It was Universitas Indonesia’s rector, Prof Dr der Soz Gumilar Rusliwa Somantri, who was given the title Honoris Causa Doctor from Korean university Chonbuk National University (CBNU). The appreciation was given because the Korean side considered that Gumilar had remarkably developed the relationship between Indonesia and Korea in area of education. Gumilar is not the first and only Indonesian who has ever been given the same appreciation. He is actually the third one. The other two were Prof B.J Habibie, the former president of Indonesia after Soeharto’s era and Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, the King of Jogjakarta. The Indonesia education practitioner should be proud of this appreciation since it opens the gate to international world more widely.
Similar acknowledgement has been also received by UPH founder and rector. Bapak James Riady, the founder of UPH, received his Honoris Causa Doctor from Ouachita Baptist University, USA, while Dr. (HC) Jonathan Parapak got his HC from the same university because of his dedication to education, business, government, and spiritual growth in September 29, 2009.
So, UPH has come up to the stage of international community. The appreciation of its leaders by the international world has supported its mission to bring the world to Indonesia. It means to administer a global practices at UPH. Go UPH!

Friday 14 January 2011

UPH Surabaya: the Global Gate to Eastern Indonesia

Lippo Group has been well known as the leaders in township and retail business. One of their remarkable project in East Java is the City of Tomorrow or Cito. At this site, there are buildings for business, mall, hotel, and a university. The university is Universitas Pelita Harapan or UPH, which is under Yayasan Pendidikan Pelita Harapan.

UPH Surabaya was established to be the gate towards eastern Indonesia. As UPH Jakarta has been successfully brought the global practice to western Indonesia, including Jakarta, Medan, etc, UPH Surabaya is aimed to reach eastern Indonesia such as Makassar, Ambon, Bali, Kupang, and even Papua. This idea comes from its founder James T. Riady who is also the CEO of Lippo Group.

With growing need of education, UPH Surabaya could be one of the solution. A university with global practice and many opportunities of scholarship.

Spiritual Growth

The founders have a dream, that from this institution, UPH Surabaya, many people will become blessing for Indonesia and the world. To achieve it, not only good knowledge needed, but also true mental and spiritual formation. For this purpose Spiritual Growth Department support UPH Vision as a Systemic Christ-Centered Higher Educational Institution.
That why the main task of the SG Department are helping Students, Staff and Lecturer developing the personal path with God that will stronger moral live and support academic searching.

Although UPH Surabaya not use Christian at the name, but UPH Surabaya declare as Christian university. That’s why all the developing system is base on Biblical teaching and according to God’s true. We encourage with Reformed spirit to back to the Bible teaching and the unity of the body of Christ. That’s why UPH Surabaya eager to make partnership with all churches.

Accounting in UPH

Opportunities for accountants over the past three decades have expanded rapidly. Today the profession is high profile, exciting, and stimulating, with top accountants being viewed as leaders in business and industry as well as private practices. Students will learn, in addition to the foundational training in accounting, to become valued professionals who are able to run major corporations, start exciting entrepreneurial endeavors, and develop private practices that handle much more than tax returns. Students will also learn how to create financial plans that lead to secure futures and how to educate and advise individuals and corporations in areas that have powerful impact on tomorrow’s business environment, such as Assurance Services.
UPH Surabaya accounting undergraduate programs has many industrial partnership with banks, registered public accounting offices, insurance companies, retail companies, and government offices